Vessel hire

Four purpose-built, technically advanced ships available for hire for short term contracts and one off jobs

Hire our ships for efficient and cost effective marine support for short term contracts and one off jobs across a wide range of services including hydrographic surveys, wreck marking, buoy handling, marine scientific experiments and guarding duties.

Vessel activities are coordinated and monitored around the clock by our Operations and Planning Centre.


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Hydrographic surveys including bathymetry, side scan, sonar and wreck investigations

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Aids to navigation provision, deployment, maintenance, repair and examination

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Research platforms for deployment and recovery of scientific equipment

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Safety boat assignments

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Marine hazard search and marking

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Lifting, towing and accurate positioning of marine equipment

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Recovery and re-establishment of off-station aids to navigation

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Sea trials of electronic and specialty equipment around uk waters

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Helicopter support

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Guard duties for cable and pipe laying projects


THV Galatea

THV Galatea

THV Galatea was designed with buoy handling, wreck marking, towing and multibeam and side scan hydrographic surveying capability
  • 84.2 metres long
  • Accommodation for an additional 40 people
  • DP2, high specification survey equipment, a 30t lift crane, a through hull instrument tube, a large working deck with container lock facility and 230v or 400v plug-in supply
  • Helicopter landing pad and a high speed workboat
THV Patricia

THV Patricia

THV Patricia undertakes aid to navigation maintenance work, towing, wreck location and marking among other projects
  • 86m long
  • Accommodation for an additional 12 people
  • 20 tonne main crane capacity and 28 tonne bollard pull and towing winch
  • Survey capable
  • Helicopter landing pad
THV Alert

THV Alert

Rapid Intervention Vessel (RIV) THV Alert was designed with buoy handling, wreck marking, towing and multibeam and side scan hydrographic surveying capability
  • 39.3 metres long
  • Accommodation for an additional 4 people
  • High specification survey equipment
  • DP1 dynamic positioning and a maximum speed of 17 knots
  • Large working deck and through hull instrument tube

Alert can respond rapidly to any maritime incident but is also an ideal research platform for deployment of scientific equipment

Commercial ship hire

Trinity House vessels carry out the statutory work that Trinity House undertakes around the coast of England and Wales. This includes routine buoy condition surveys and positioning and surveying wrecks and marking them accordingly.

We hire our vessels to third parties for commercial work. Our UK registered purpose built vessels are equipped to the highest technical standard and manned by professionally qualified merchant marine officers and crew.

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