Buoys Are Back In Town

Despite the considerable challenges that have been posed during 2020 and the COVID pandemic, Trinity House operations have continued to offer support to all of our existing commercial customers and to welcome new.

THV Patricia, one of our hard-working buoy tenders, has recently been at ABP Humber undertaking the removal of a buoy to allow continuation of installation works at Hornsea 2 Wind Farm. This buoy was quickly recovered to deck where it was secured to return to Trinity House depot in Harwich for safe storage until redeployment.


Whilst in the area, THV Patricia assisted ABP Humber by undertaking the complete inspection and maintenance of six of their assets. The inspection regime used our technicians to undertake a comprehensive preventative maintenance regime. For all of the buoys we maintain on behalf of customers we ensure that:

Each aid to navigation is checked to ensure it is exhibiting its prescribed character;

The position of each aid is confirmed and any buoy found out of position is re-established in its correct location;

Each buoy is lifted, cleaned and water-jetted to clear marine growth;

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Buoy on deck prior to cleaning Back on duty following full MOT

Any lighting and ancillary equipment is checked and prepared for ongoing operation;


Trinity House endeavour to reutilise the Customer’s moorings, however, will change moorings from our on-board stock at the Master’s discretion to extend the life of the asset at sea thereby minimising break adrift situations;


Following the annual health check for ABP Humber, a comprehensive report was provided on the condition of each asset including observations of moorings, diameter of mooring lugs, thrash of chain and predictions for chain replacement and for when a clean buoy should be considered.

A course of remedial action is proposed for any equipment approaching a state where ongoing effectiveness cannot be reasonably assured. The building in of the appropriate quality levels extends through-life cost effectiveness and helps to ensure that the aid to navigation is capable of performing at the right level. This in turn reduces maintenance costs and secures the aid in position.

All aids to navigation in UK Waters are required to meet Availability Standards determined by the Department of Transport as part of the Port Marine Safety Code. These standards, as a minimum, necessitate an Availability Level of 97%. They are necessary to safeguard navigation by preventing vessels of all classes from colliding with the obstructions thus preventing damage to both the vessel and the obstruction. This requires high levels of knowledge and planning to ensure deployment of equipment appropriate for the conditions and Trinity House are experts in this filed.

Further information as to the buoy maintenance services that we can provide can be obtained through visiting the Commercial Services pages on Trinity House website where there is a live chat facility or by emailing commercial@trinityhouse.co.uk

Wind farm marker buoys

27 buoys for Orsted Energy at Hornsea Project One Offshore Wind Farm in the Southern North Sea

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