Flamborough Head Lighthouse visitor centre

Flamborough Head Lighthouse is currently closed for winter. As soon as we have a date for its re-opening we will update this page.

Following a successful re-engineering and modernisation project, we are delighted to be able to welcome visitors back to Flamborough Lighthouse. New LED lanterns have been installed and the redundant optic is located at the bottom of the lighthouse on display for all to enjoy.

A lighthouse was first built on the Flamborough Headland in 1669 but was never lit. The current lighthouse was built in 1806 and acts as a waypoint for deep sea vessels and coastal traffic as well as marking the Flamborough Headland for vessels heading for the ports of Scarborough and Bridlington.

Admission prices

Adults £5.50
Family ticket (2 adults and up to 2 children)
Additional child £2.00
Child (up to 15 years)

Please note minimum height restriction of 1.1 metres tall to climb the tower
Group bookings (out of hours) £85.00 minimum charge


For groups of less than 10, tickets are purchased on the day, directly from the Visitor Centre (Flamborough Head Lighthouse Visitor Centre accepts cash payment).

Give Wildlife Space

It is normal for seals to rest on land, so we need to leave them there. Disturbance is damaging for a seal.

When seal watching:

  • Keep quiet (so Seals can’t hear us)
  • Keep out of sight (so Seals can’t see us)
  • Keep downwind (so Seals can’t smell us)
  • Keep well away: Use your zoom, binoculars or telescope
  • Do not take Seal selfies
  • Do not feed wild Seals
  • Do not fly drones near Seals
  • Do not name/promote Seal sites on social media
  • Litter kills wildlife: Please take it home


Flamborough Head Lighthouse is located 1.2 miles from the village of Flamborough on the B1259.


A car park is situated next to the lighthouse.

Group Bookings

Please telephone in advance for group bookings of ten or more people (see Contact Details above).

Prompt arrival at the Visitor Centre is essential. If you arrive late we regret we can not guarantee entry and your visit may be cancelled.

Health & Safety

There are a few rules to ensure you have a safe visit. These include:

  • Children are very welcome, but they must be at least 1.1 metres in height and physically capable of ascending and descending the staircases by themselves unaided
  • wear sensible footwear (eg not flip flops)
  • all visitors (including children) must be able to ascend and descend the stairs unaided

Please read the Health and Safety guidelines before you set off.