Sometimes the mailbag at Trinity House presents us with some very pleasant surprises, and this was certainly the case in December 2020 when we received 24 written applications for the job of lighthouse keeper from the pupils of Class 2 at a primary school in Plymouth.
The class teacher added a cover letter to say that the class had been studying the legacy of famed lighthouse engineer John Smeaton, and had even visited Smeaton’s reconstructed Eddystone Lighthouse on Plymouth Hoe. Their newest exercise was to extend their learning by writing job application letters to become lighthouse keepers, each of which described why the author would be suited to doing that job and living that life.
The children’s merits and qualifications covered a wide range, and all demonstrated a keen interest and capability. We at Trinity House feel that they would all have made an excellent addition to Trinity House’s commitment to safeguarding ships and seafarers.
Here is a selection of excerpts of some of the children’s’ letters.
Ben: “I am writing this letter because I would like to have the job to be a lighthouse keeper because I have many skills for you and I can cook and wake up at the right time. I can paint and also polish too, I have my rescue certificate too. Also I have a cat. My hobbies are reading and fishing. I can guide ships and I am a good swimmer and I have a flying licence.”
Kalisha: “You should try my sandwiches.”
Joly: “I am writing this letter because I think it is a good idea to be a lighthouse keeper. I am good at swimming underwater with goggles on and I have a helicopter pilot’s licence. I can guide ships from crashing on the shore and the rocks by making sure the light shines bright. My hobbies are I cook cakes and pizzas and I eat chocolate. Do you think I would be a good lighthouse keeper?”
Olly: “I am good at painting and I am good at fishing. I can swim and save lives. Also I can row a boat.”
Moses: “I am good at doing rescues and I can swim a long way. My hobby is painting. I am good at rescuing those in danger at sea.”
Jacob: “I can swim ten hundred metres and I can row a boat. My hobbies are writing, cooking and knitting.”
Blaike: “I can cook very well. I can cook anything you want even all day breakfast! I like cheesy chips and spaghetti Bolognese. I can clean the lighthouse every day. I can make my bed.”
Logan: “I am good at doing rescues at sea because I can row a boat and swim a long way. I am good at heights and at painting. My hobby is catching fish! What a fantastic job this is!”
Oliver: “I will be good at rescue because I can row a boat and I want to get my helicopter pilot’s licence.”
(Un-named): “I am really good at climbing ladders. You should see my ironing. […] I am so good at cleaning my bedroom and also good at being nice. I am good at making friends. […] Pick me for being a lighthouse keeper because I’m good at staying awake.”
Lola: “I’m good at rescuing people. I’m a good knitter and painter. I love gardening and I also love toast and pizza and cola. I’m not scared of heights.”
Darci-Rae: “I have a crane certificate and I am amazing at swimming! I can sail a boat. Also I can rescue people from a ship that got hit on the rocks. Also I can operate a radio. I am amazing at reading and can cook! I can polish the light super clean! I like playing jacks! Some of my hobbies are painting, reading, jacks, dancing and singing.”
Esm: “I want to rescue people and I can help by keeping the light clean and shining bright. I am really good at swimming. I will keep it clean. I like painting, tidying and doing the dishes. It would be really exciting!”
Jamie: “I can clean the light every day and climb ladders. I will miss my family but I want to save people from drowning.”
Lou-Lou: “I would keep the light clean and turn it on at the right time.”
Gracie: “I love making sandwiches with ham and cheese and I think that you will like it.”
Myla: “I would be good at painting the lighthouse and I am good at ironing. I am good at rowing a boat and washing and cleaning. I am also good at cooking delicious food. My hobby is doing sea crosswords. I want to save people and animals even baby animals and people if they drown!”
Enes: “My hobbies are riding and playing football. I am also good at fishing! I want to help people to stay safe on the sea.”
Star: “I am really good at cooking sandwiches and I am good at driving. Also I am a good cleaner. I am really good at climbing ladders and I have a certificate. I can rescue people when they are in trouble.”
Evie: “I like reading and writing. I do not like gardening. I love jacket potatoes. I love crackers and cheese. I like to do washing and cleaning. I love sweets. I hate pickled onions.”
Tilly: “So can I be a lighthouse keeper? I think I have all the skills you are looking for. I am good at painting and I have a hobby of going to bed after 11 o’clock!”
This article originally appeared in the spring 2020 edition of Flash.