At 86m long, THV Patricia has accommodation for an additional 12 people and benefits from a helicopter-landing pad. With a 20 tonne main crane capacity and 28 tonne bollard pull and towing winch, she is also survey capable. Available 24 hours a day 7 days a week, THV Patricia is available for a wide range of projects including:
- aids to navigation deployment maintenance, repair and examination
- research platforms for deployment and recovery of scientific equipment
- sampling projects
- marine hazard search and marking
- lifting, towing and accurate positioning of marine equipment
- recovery and re-establishment of off-station aids to navigation
- sea trials of electronic and speciality equipment
- helicopter support
- safety boat assignments
- guard duties for cable and pipe laying projects
Trinity House’s Multi Functional Tender (MFT) Patricia operates around the coast of England, Wales and the Channel Islands undertaking aid to navigation maintenance work, towing, wreck location and marking amongst other projects. At 86m long, Patricia has accommodation for an additional 12 people and benefits from a helicopter-landing pad. With a 20 tonne main crane capacity and 28 tonne bollard pull and towing winch, she is also survey capable.
Available 24/7, Patricia is available for a wide range of projects at a competitive rate.
Build standard
- Lloyds Register
- 100 A1
- Lloyds Machinery Certificate, Unmanned Machinery Space Certificate, Lloyds Environmental Policy and Lifting Appliance.
- Complies with requirements for UK MCA Class V111 vessel.
- Lloyds Ship Emergency Response Service
Our helicopter lands on THV Patricia
1t Stores crane
A workboat alongside THV Patricia