Shipping and Maritime companies and organisations offer a great deal of information and reference material, often much of the information is available from publicly accessible web sites. However, identifying where to access information and which is the most appropriate web sites can be found can be a challenge in itself.

The list below is not intended to be all encompassing but designed to be used as a quick reference guide.

Government and international organisations


This Directory provides a selection of maritime links related to areas reflecting the work of IMO, Maritime Safety, Publications catalogue


Maritime & Coastguard Agency, MCA, is an executive agency, sponsored by the Department for Transport. They work to prevent the loss of life on the coast and at sea, produce legislation and guidance on maritime matters, and provide certification to seafarers.


European Maritime Safety Agency is one of the EU's decentralised agencies. Based in Lisbon, the Agency provides technical assistance and support to the European Commission and Member States in the development and implementation of EU legislation on maritime safety, pollution by ships and maritime security.


The Coast Guard is an adaptable, responsive military force of maritime professionals their presence and impact is local, regional, national and international. Their brief includes maritime safety, security and environmental stewardship.


The International Chamber of Shipping (ICS) is the principal international trade association for the shipping industry, representing shipowners and operators in all sectors and trades. See list all of UCS Publications

UK Chamber of Shipping

The trade association and voice of the UK shipping industry with more than 160 members from across the maritime sector. See the UK Chamber’s Library

Note: To find more information on Flag State and Port State regulations the P&I clubs listed below offer check lists for inspections for these and the ISPS Code. There are companies offering subscription services you may wish to consider and

P&I Clubs and risk management

American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association, Inc.

American Steamship Owners Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association, Inc. (the American Club) was established in New York in 1917. It is the only mutual Protection and Indemnity Club domiciled in the United States. Its total tonnage stands at some 15 million gross tons for P&I risks and at about 10 million gross tons. Comics Posters

Assuranceforeningen Gard

Gard P&I Club has 12,600 vessels insured, equates to 17% of the International Group of P&I clubs. Publications

Assuranceforeningen Skuld

Skuld P&I was the first P&I club established outside England in Oslo; the year was 1897. Owners' Mutual P&I and Defence, Charterers' Liability and Defence, Skuld Yachts, Skuld Fixed P&I, Offshore Liability - and through Skuld 1897, our Syndicate at Lloyd's: Hull and Machinery, Energy, Cargo, Ports and Terminals and Marine Liabilities. Information on topics of interest

Britannia Steam Ship Insurance Association Ltd

In business since 1855, Britannia is the oldest P&I Club in the market and remains a leader in the International Group of P&I Clubs. 240 Members with 3,600 ships. Publications

Japan Shipowners' Mutual Protection & Indemnity Association

The Japan P&I Club is the sole organisation in Japan underwriting P&I insurance for both ocean-going vessels and Japanese coastal vessels.

Loss prevention

London Steam-Ship Owners' Mutual Insurance Association (A Bilbrough & Co Ltd., Managers)

Officially founded in 1866 is now recognised as the leading insurer for the largest blue-water tonnage from all the world's major shipping centres, particularly in the bulk trades. Stop loss bulletins

North of England P. & I. Association

North is a marine mutual liability insurer providing P&I, FD&D, War Risks and ancillary cover to 175 million GT of owned and chartered tonnage worldwide.

Loss prevention publications

Shipowners' Mutual Protection and Indemnity Association (Luxembourg)

Insures over 32,000 small and specialist vessels across the globe. Every year, 95% of their members choose to stay, and the top 25 members holding an average of 24 years’ continuous entry.

Loss prevention publications

Standard P & I Club (Charles Taylor & Co., Managers)

Specialist marine and energy insurer and member of the International Group of Protection and Indemnity clubs owned by its shipowner members and controlled by a board of directors drawn from the membership. More than 650 correspondents in over 130 countries support the Standard Club.

News & knowledge

Steamship Insurance Management Services Limited

Steamship Mutual is one of the largest and most diverse P&I Clubs in the world they provide a comprehensive high quality P&I service backed by sound underwriting and strong reserves. Loss prevention

The Swedish Club

A leading marine mutual insurer, headquartered in Gothenburg, Sweden, and with offices in some of the world's strategic shipping centres. The Swedish Club is a true mutual organisation with focus on marine safety and loss prevention. Provides cover for over 1,500 vessels. Loss prevention

United Kingdom (UK) Defence Club

It is the largest Defence Club in the World with over 3,300 owned and time chartered ships entered. It has been involved in many of the leading cases affecting the industry over the last 100 years. News desk

United Kingdom (UK) P & I Club

The UK P&I Club is one of the oldest P&I clubs in the world. It provides Protection and Indemnity insurance in respect of third party liabilities and expenses arising from owning ships or operating ships as principals. One of the largest mutual marine protection and indemnity organisations it insures over 200 million tonnes of owned and chartered ships from more than fifty countries across the globe. Loss Prevention

West of England Ship Owners Mutual Insurance Association (Luxembourg)

The West of England is a leading mutual marine insurer providing its worldwide membership of shipowners, charterers and operators with liability insurance and related services. Insuring over 6,000 ships with an entered tonnage of over 70 million gross tons. Claims guides

Nautical colleges

Blackpool & the Fylde College (Fleetwood Nautical Campus)

Facilities include 5-Bridge Full Mission Ship Simulator, Engineering Simulator, Computer Suites, Electronic Labs for GMDSS and Navigational Instruments.

Environmental Survival Training Tank is also situated on the campus and a Marine Engineering Centre. Course directory

City of Glasgow College

The Faculty offers a full range of marine operations courses from mandatory training for Deck Officers to a range of short courses such as MCA, RYA, Personal Safety and Social Responsibility (PSSR) and Personal Survival Techniques (PST) for the professional development of Merchant Navy Officers and crew. Course directory

Liverpool John Moores University (Lairdside Maritime Centre)

University has an extensive maritime history and has helped train numerous maritime professionals, deck officers and marine engineers via undergraduate and postgraduate courses within the area of maritime and transport industries.

Course directory

Lowestoft College

Training and competence courses for the maritime, offshore and energy industries. Course directory

National Maritime College of Ireland

NMCI is a 14,000m2 facility built on 10 acres of waterside campus. It was purpose built to serve the training requirements of the School of Nautical Studies, Cork Institute of Technology and the Irish Naval Service. Facilities

North East Scotland College (Scottish Maritime Academy)

Courses are delivered from our recently refurbished £1.2m dedicated training centre, situated on the water's edge of the marina at Peterhead Port. Training from entry level Merchant Navy courses right through to Officer of the Watch and Chief Mate qualifications. Course directory

South Tyneside College

Maritime students use the South Shields Marine School.

Established in 1861, they offer programmes across the whole spectrum of marine education and nautical sciences, including navigation, operations, marine and electrical engineering, communications and catering. Course Index

University of Plymouth

Courses on Yacht Operations are based at South Devon College (Paignton).

Maritime Science degree Course directory

Warsash Maritime Academy

As part of Southampton Solent University’s School of Maritime Science and Engineering, the academy has provided first class education, training, consultancy and research services to the international shipping, commercial yacht, and offshore oil and gas industries for nearly 70 years. Course directory

Quality, Health, Safety and the Environment


Page has fast links to: Current investigations, Investigation reports and safety bulletins, Subscription to their news alert service and / or their reports alert service. Reporting an accident or incident.


Download archive copies of Maritime FEEDBACK, read the safety lessons learned from their confidential reporting programme.


Improving awareness of the human element in the maritime industry. Whilst the programme has now finished there are many useful safety related references still valid on this site.

The Human Element

A film about the role of human behaviour in safety at sea with training resource material.


The Nautical Institute’s Mariners' Alerting and Reporting Scheme, has a public accessible database of reports for use in risk assessment, work planning, loss prevention and a training aid for crew and management. Search all MARS reports

Best Management Practices – Piracy & armed robbery

Suggested Planning and Operational Practices for Ship Operators, and Masters of Ships Transiting the High Risk Area

Note: For those wanting to find more information on ISM, ISPS check lists and auditing P&I clubs listed above offer useful checklists. Classification Societies offer the same and training courses.


The Nautical Institute is an international representative body for maritime professionals and has over 7,000 members in 115 different countries. Issues of

Alert!The NAVIGATOR’ and many online Publications

Engineering & Electro Technical


The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology. IMarEST supports your career development and life long learning, offering you the opportunity to gain recognition for your skills and experience through membership and professional registration. Their Virtual library has public accessible data is available on : Marine Technology Abstracts database – Public feed of promotional videos and lecture recordings – Lloyds Register catalogue of technical research.


The Royal Institution of Naval Architects is an internationally renowned professional institution whose members are involved at all levels in the design, construction, maintenance and operation of marine vessels and structures. Members of RINA are widely represented in industry, universities and colleges, and maritime organisations in over ninety countries. Their Publications include magazines, transactions, conference proceedings, news and feature articles.

Professional Yachting


The Professional Yachting Association is a not-for-profit association that offers its members a range of bespoke products and services and provides practical tools and up to date advice to today's professional yacht crew. Prospectus


The Royal Yachting Association is the national body for all forms of boating, including dinghy and yacht racing, motor and sail cruising, RIBs and sports boats, powerboat racing, windsurfing, canal and river boat cruising, and personal watercraft. Safety information

Jubilee Sailing trust

The Jubilee Sailing Trust (JST) is an international, United Nations accredited disability charity, promoting integration through the challenge and adventure of tall ship sailing. They provide life-changing adventures to people of all ages, backgrounds and levels of physical ability. Get involved